Aluminium Nitrate, Nonahydrate

Molecular Formula: Al(NO3)3• 9H2O
Molecular Weight: 375.13
Physicochemical Properties: Colorless crystal, easy in moisture, Melting Point: 73 º C, decompose at 150º C. It is easily dissolved in water, ethanol, but not in acetic acid and ethyl acetate. It’s solution shows acidity, it has oxidizing property. It will burn or explode once in contact with organic chemicals. It has pungency to skin.
Applications and Usages: It is mainly applied to manufacture catalyst used in organic synthesis, dye mordant in textile industry, salting out agent used in recycling nuclear fuel though solvent extraction process, and make other aluminum salt.

Product Specification: Q/XYLH 002-2018

IndexesChemically Pure(CP)Catalyst GradeIndustrial Grade
Water insoluble%,≤
AppearanceColorless crystalColorless crystalColorless crystal